ScalPlayer102_mainScalPlayer v1.04 is a Commodore Amiga stylish Windows media-player for a couple of sound- / tracker formats (at time 1.075 supported formats / extensions). It is based on the beta release of SCAL DLL (x86-64). Also it is easy possible to search, analyse, play and save files direct from the modland-servers (see screenshots). To play as much as possible file-formats and its sub-songs the AmpMaster (x86) should be installed from the title menu (highly recommendable!). ScalPlayer can direct stream and download audios / videos from 4Shared (previews), Anonfiles, Bitchute, Focus, Gap, GMX, Mediafire, T-Online and Also download from ~1.872 more streaming sites like YouTube, Vimeo, VideoPress, Facebook, Twitter […] by using the forked tool yt-dlp of the inactive youtube-dl (stream mode must be activated). Also, media files can be AES-encrypted scalplayer_crypt with a password to prevent unauthorized playback.

ScalPlayer is coded in Purebasic, Freeware, Open-source and was only released as a test-tool for the SCAL DLL to compare its 29 play-engines – so don’t expect to much. However, it should be good enough to be published as a standalone tool.

ScalPlayer is a full working but not full debugged pre-release. The RAR packed archive includes ScalPlayer (x86-64), ScalPlayer_Portable (x86) and the SCAL DLL (x86-64) with documentation. Also the Purebasic source of ScalPlayer is included.

The ScalPlayer / Portable (x86) currently includes the full range of functions and supports all media formats.

The archive is password-protected because the false alarm messages from these antivirus programs during the download are extremely nerve-wracking. ScalPlayer is absolutely multistupid mutantpandemic politicalvirus-free!

For the free download it is recommended to activate a script-blocker to avoid annoying 3rd party advertisements.

Download: SCAL_Player_104.rar v1.04 (x86-64) - Source & Binary - 02.05.2024 - 1.39 MB
Password: Peace